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HR Mission
The mission of CSUDH Human Resources Management is to provide professional services designed to attract, support, retain and develop the diverse talent needed to achieve the University’s short and long range goals. We achieve this through collaboration and implementation of best practices in human resources management.
We are guided by the following values:
We treat people fairly, with dignity and respect. We honor commitments to others and maintain high ethical standards. We are all role models by word and action. We are professionally competent and operate with integrity at all times. We keep promises in terms of quantity, quality and timeliness. We accept responsibility for our actions. We provide consistent, accurate information and demonstrate an on-going commitment to do the right thing.
We work as a team. We are active and positive collaborators who take pride in the accomplishments and success of colleagues. We actively cultivate a network of partnerships with people within the unit and throughout the university. We complete our regular work and dedicate time to building relationships, learning about customers and their needs, serving as internal consultants and as catalysts to improve relationships and organizational effectiveness. Through partnerships we seek to utilize the wealth of knowledge and experience available at the university. We attack problems and promote people.
We are each personally responsible for contributing to a work environment where people are treated fairly. We maintain confidence and treat confidential and sensitive information appropriately. We seek to know our colleagues and co-workers and respect their abilities and differing perspectives. We are role models by our words and actions. Each of us is responsible for the reputation of the office. We support each other as colleagues and co-workers. We seek to maintain self-confidence, dignity, and esteem of others through respect. We avoid destructive behaviors such as blaming, judging, gossip and power struggles. We demonstrate respect for others through clear, objective verbal and written communication.
We enhance and foster a diverse environment where differences are valued. By what we do and how we do it, we encourage colleagues to support and appreciate the many forms of diversity. Diversity is our strength. We actively support fair and equitable treatment of colleagues. We invite alternative viewpoints in order to better understand issues and develop appropriate solutions.
We know our work is important. We make a difference in the lives of people. Although transactional processing is a large component of our work, we constantly seek to streamline processes so that we have time to build relationships, develop better solutions, support clients and improve organizational effectiveness. We keep promises in terms of quantity, quality, timeliness and tone.
We seek to be an extremely well trained, educated and engaged staff. We promote opportunities for learning and self-improvement. We embrace the possibilities offered by technology and the principles of continuous improvement. We measure our progress in objective and quantifiable ways to ensure we achieve desired objectives. We celebrate success. We strive to find win/win solutions and to achieve individual and group excellence through teamwork and professional competence.